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6 Must-Dos in university life (大學六(綠)件事) to help you be a green and smart student !
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6 Must-Dos in university life

1. Explore your campus
Hitting the books in the library is important, but don't forget to also spend some time socialising and exercising outdoors to reconnect with our beautiful planet!
Exercising in nature for just 5 minutes regularly can boost your confidence and improve your mood—try making this a daily habit!

Save money and help the planet when getting a takeaway by bringing your own container or borrowing one from the Lunchbox Lending Programme on campus! It’s super convenient and you don’t even need to clean it!
To borrow, just pay a $20 deposit by Octopus, and you’ll get a full refund once you return the box!
2. Takeaway smart & reuse!

3. Don't get sick!
We know the heat in Hong Kong can be brutal, and there are times when a fan just won't cut it.
To stay cool and comfy, keep your dorm at the ideal temperature of 24-26˚C to save energy and money when using AC. Don't want you getting sick either!

Build a daily routine that aligns with daylight hours —study and work during the day, and get proper rest at night.
Take better care of yourself and save energy at the same time!
4. Have a healthy routine!

5. Shower smart!
Let’s be smart consumers!
Take shorter showers and turn off the water when lathering to save your wallet, while also conserving precious freshwater resources!
Of all the water on our planet – only 2.5% is freshwater, let’s be responsible consumers and save water together!
6. Power down!

Remember to switch off lights, and unplug electronics when not in use!
Especially when you're sleeping, 'power down' not just yourself, but also your electronics to get a good night's sleep!