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B.Y.O. Prize Quiz Answer

Question #1

Which of the following is the LARGEST constituent of municipal solid wastes disposed of in landfills of Hong Kong in 2022? 


A. Paper
B. Food Waste
C. Plastics
D. Metal

Question #2

Among the following single-use plastic products, which of them accounts for the largest proportion of plastic waste in 2022 in Hong Kong? 


A. Plastic bags
B. Plastic/foam tableware
C. Plastic bottles

Question #3

What does B.Y.O. stand for?


A. Buy Your Own
B. Bring Your Own
C. Borrow Your Own

Question #4

Among the following options, which of them has the LOWEST priority in waste management?


A. Reduce
B. Reuse/Upcycle
C. Recycle

Question #5

Where is the Reusable Lunchbox Lending System on HKU campus?


A. Outside Library
B. Outside the canteen at Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre
C. Outside Union Restaurant at Haking Wong Podium

Question #6

Which of the following(s) are the features of the Reusable Lunchbox Lending Machine?


(I) Free to use (deposit will be refunded after returning the lunchbox)

(II) Self-serve

(III) No need to wash the lunchbox (need to remove the food residue)


A. (I) only
B. (I) and (III)
C. All of the above

Question #7

Which of the following statement(s) is true about plastics?


(I) Plastics take a very long time (20 – 500 years) to decompose

(II) Microplastics can enter food chain

(III) Microplastics only affect marine organisms and human

A. (II) only
B. (I) and (II)

C. (I) and (III)
D. All of the above

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